Teachers Development

 Teachers Development
  • Workshop on ASL

A workshop on ASL (Assessment of Speaking and Listening) was conducted in the school to enrich the teachers with the current addition in the curriculum. The programme has been designed in collaboration with the Trinity College, London to provide a certificate that has an international benchmark. The approach is learner- centered and enables students to adopt and adapt to the different listening and speaking strategies using appropriate and relevant details. The role of the examiner was highlighted with a suitable mention of the evaluation scheme as per the CBSE norms.

  • ASL Workshop at SMS School

ASL (Assessment of listening and speaking) By Prof. B.L Hando and Himal Hando. The assessment criteria , procedures and objectives of conducting this assessment test was discussed in the workshop. Following are the key points of the workshop:

      1. Assessment to be done for 20 marks.
      2. Grades IX ,X and XI have to mandatorily follow this process of assessment.
      3. To be conducted for SA-1 and SA-2 only.
      4. CBSE  in collaboration with Trinity College have designed this to provide a certificate that  has international bench mark.
      5. Has come out to be learner centric .
      6. The rationale CEFR (Common Europeon Framework of Reference)- A scale which is accepted globally has bench maked Indian students of grade – IX and X at B1 to B2 level. A1 being the average and C2 being the best. Please find below the scale details:

        A1-Basic user
      7. Class room management should be proper the listening clip should be played in an acoustic room only twice, before playing the audio students must be asked to read questions so as to facilitate answering.
      8. Proper procedure for speaking must be followed verbatim. The room must be acoustic and students must be made to practice for such an assessment. Details of the procedure  is given in handouts.
      9. The mark sheet must be filled correctly and in proper order. Refer handouts for the correct way of filling details.
      10. No re-test areto conducted for ASL under any circumstances.
      11. One section has to be completed in 1 day only.
      12. Teacher teaching the grade will not take the test for her class.
      13. The choice of partner should not be left to the students. Teacher must randomly decide on the partners.
      14. Students though are with partners in speaking assessment but must be judged individually. They must be judged for what they CAN DO and not for they could not do.
      15. Outcome of listening task is to unable students to adopt different strategies according to listening, understand the topic ,listen for specific purpose, distinguish relevant and irrelevant details, interpret messages and understand spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar situations.
      16. Outcome of speaking task is to unable students to speak intelligibly using appropriate words, narrate incidents and events, argue a point of view, take active part in group discussions frame questions to elicit the views of others and respond appropriately to questions.
  • Multiple Intelligence

A workshop on Multiple intelligence  was organized for the teachers by the school counselor Mrs. Sandhya Kasliwal.
It is based on Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory that each person does not have one fixed intelligence but has eight different varieties of intelligence. They are musical, social, emotional, language, logical, visual ,kinaesthetic and naturalistic . Each child develops a learning style that matches his innate intelligence. The workshop encouraged teachers to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways . This will give the children opportunity to use their own  learning style as well as foster the growth of other learning styles. Examples of professions based on the preferred learning style of individuals was also discussed to motivate & nbsp; the teachers to encourage children who are gifted in other intelligences.

  • Mind Mapping

A  hands on workshop on Mind Mapping was conducted by the school counsellor Mrs Sandhya Kasliwal . Mind Maps use visualization and association to organize and store information .  It  is a tool that works as a map for memory as it is able to gather a large quantity of data in one place . It is the easiest way to store and retrieve information. It is attractive to look at . It can be used for all subjects such as history, science, etc. Teachers were taught to make mind maps and use them in the classrooms to  teach the children.

  • Safe use of LPG gas cylinder

Fire is very good servant but a very bad master. As long as fire is under control it serves a lot of useful purposes for us. But once it goes out of our control it can create a lot of destruction. However, despite the presence of safety measures the occurrence of accidents is often times inevitable. To fight these accidents a workshop for teachers on Safe use of LPG cylinder was conducted on 9th April 2012 by department of disaster management.

  • Language development program

Language plays a vital role in education. To present the nuances of English Grammar a workshop on technical aspects of the language was conducted by Ms. Prakriti Srivastava from Oxford University press on 4th May 2012. She highlighted that through different activities and exercises flow of ideas can be reinforced in the learning process. The language once learnt this way can be engraved permanently in the young minds.

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